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Why is Fall Prevention so Important?

Falls are the leading cause of death and injury for Americans aged 65 and older. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports one of every four senior citizens falls each year, with over eight million of those falls resulting in severe injuries like a broken hip or head trauma. While a person of any age can fall and sustain an injury, older adults are at greater risk for ...


The Differences Between Physical Therapists and Personal Trainers?

An injury can come in the form of a bump, bruise, break, sprain, strain, or worse, but no matter what word you use to describe it, one you’d never choose is “fun.” All of us, from competitive athletes to weekend golfers, amateur gardeners to grandparents, have been bitten by the injury bug at some point in our lives. Fortunately, most minor injuries require little more than an ice pack and ...


Range of Motion: What it is, Why it matters and How to increase it

What Does "Range of Motion" Mean? Your range of motion (ROM) is how far a joint can flex and extend in any direction. The flexibility of soft tissues around the joint affects your ROM. Flexibility is the ability of muscles, tendons, and connective tissue to lengthen as the joint flexes and extends. Joint and muscle flexibility naturally decline as we age, but injury, disease, surgery, or inactivity may also contribute ...

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